Infinite Healing and Wellness



Date : December 15, 2023
Condition : New
Warranty : No
Location : 1440 E Missouri Ave, Suite 270 Phoenix, Arizona

Proudly Serving: Phoenix, Arizona

At Infinite Healing and Wellness we provide avariety of counseling services to help you achieve your limitless potential. Weare an EMDR Therapy Center for Excellence and see our clients through a lensthat assumes we are all doing the best we can with what we’ve learned based onour genetics and our environments. Understanding the full comprehensive pictureof what is going on in you and in your environment helps you to reach your mostoptimal self. Through EMDR Therapy, we learn what clients are doing in theirlives personally and interpersonally and help them identify things that are helpfuland not so helpful. No two people are the same.


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1440 E Missouri Ave, Suite 270 Phoenix, Arizona


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