Jane Ferraro Kane, HomeSmart Homes & Estates



Date : April 2, 2024
Location : 1 Hawkins Drive | Montgomery, NY 12549

Buying and selling a home is one of the most important financial decisions that can be made. I am a highly motivated professional, educated, tentative and responsive sales agent who is excited about assisting with the buying and selling process to ensure you make the most informed descision possible. I pride myself on providing exceptional service and attaining extraodinary results. “A Home is one of the most important assets that most people will ever buy. Homes are also where memories are made and you want to work with someone you can trust.” Warren Buffett, Chairman and CEO Berkshire Hathaway Inc.


Mention Arzooclassifiedads.club when calling seller to get a good deal



1 Hawkins Drive | Montgomery, NY 12549


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