

Date : January 20, 2024
Location : 4406 SE Graham Dr, Stuart, Florida 34997

1. Claudication – a cramping sensation in the buttocks, thighs, or calves. Treatments include medical therapies, lifestyle modifications, smoking cessation, exercise, and, in rare circumstances, surgery.

2. Rest Pain – a burning or throbbing pain in the foot, often worse at night when trying to sleep. This can be a sign of impending, permanent damage to the leg. A referral to our vascular surgery team is important so that a proper workup can be performed.

3. Ulceration/Gangrene – ulcers on the toes and/or feet that do not heal within two weeks. Severely damaged blood flow may lead to ulcers that do not have enough oxygen or nutrients to form new skin. In extreme cases, this can lead to infection and/or gangrene.


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4406 SE Graham Dr, Stuart, Florida 34997


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